What is the Rossica Society?
The Rossica Society is a world-wide society devoted to all aspects of Russian philately, from the pre-stamp days of Imperial Russia to current post-Soviet philately. The purpose of the Society is to unite all philatelists throughout the world with an interest in Russian philately and provide them a means of broadening their philatelic knowledge through inter- communication via the award winning Rossica Journal and this award winning web site.
The Rossica Virtual Gallery (RVG)
Since the early 1980s, the Rossica Society has made an effort to preserve the information and material contained in its members’ exhibits. Up until now, that effort has consisted of making photocopies (usually black-and-white) or CDs/DVDs and putting them in the Rossica Library so that members could check them out, study them and learn, using them as a research tool. Given the technology back then, this was the best that could be accomplished, and it could never reach more than one individual at a time, it had to be posted through the mail, and it was cumbersome enough that few availed themselves of the opportunity.