The Rossica Society publishes two journals per year, the first in the Spring and the next in the Fall.
The journal consists of scholarly articles focused on all aspects of Russian philately that may include information on the pre-stamp days of Russia, Imperial postage, prison mail, World War correspondence, or the postage of post-Soviet states. The fascinating and sometimes incredibly confusing history of Russia, the Soviet Union, and post-Soviet states make our hobby a most interesting one!
Added on 2018-11-30
Summary: The exhibit is the first attempt to summarize the postal history of Kazan and Kazan province from the pre-adhesive period and to 10/25/1917. This region, with the exception of a few small notes, was not actually studied before. Here are presented, bo...See the Exhibit
Added on 2018-10-14
Summary: The German attack at the USSR the 22nd of June 1941 was the start of history's biggest and bloodiest conflict. The exhibit will show the postal censorship that was introduced as a result of the war after the attack the 22nd of June 1941 until the end...See the Exhibit
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